‘It’s been tough but we’re beginning to turn the corner’
Mark Bishop, joint managing director of food technology, processing equipment and ingredients firm Interfood Technology, talks child stardom, rocket science and positive plans
Describe yourself in three words
Thoughtful, determined and hardworking.
What’s your biggest professional achievement?
Being privileged enough to work with the very best people in our industry.
How did you get to where you are today?
Determination, hard work, self-belief and a bit of luck.
What are your pet hates?
Being given advice by someone who clearly doesn’t know what they are talking about!
Give us a positive prediction for the food industry over the next 12 months
At Interfood, we’ve had a tough but good year. The good news is that the majority of our customers are of the belief that they are beginning to turn the corner, albeit slowly. So we, and they, are already making positive plans for the next 24 months.
What do you consider to be the most important attributes for a leader?
The ability to listen.
Who do you most admire?
The people in our industry who are thinking outside the box and, let’s face it, over the last 24 months – and as a result of the situation we’ve found ourselves in – we’ve all had to do this. As a result, many of the people that we work with have developed some really clever and innovative cost-saving ideas.
Which people, organisations or companies are the ones to watch right now?
Many of our customers have ridden the storm successfully and have positioned themselves very well for 2013. Ever the diplomat, it would be wrong for me to single out any one name.
Which word or words do you most overuse?
I’m probably guilty of using ‘the heads up’ and ‘it’s not rocket science’ too much.
If you weren’t the joint MD of the Interfood Group what else might you be doing?
In a previous life, until 21, I trained as a cabinet maker.
Tell us something about yourself that few people know
As a ‘child star’ I appeared in a few episodes of Poldark (guess I’m showing my age now!
Any vices?
Vodka and tonic with a slice of lime and a lot of ice.
What single thing would most improve the quality of your life?
A waterproof iPhone.
How do you relax?
If I can find the time, skiing in the winter and spending time on the water in the summer.
How would you like to be remembered?
For not taking life too seriously.