A question of convenience

I have a confession to make.

In the week that saw much tutting and pursing of lips at the news that frozen food retailer Iceland is now selling ready-made scrambled egg, I made a cheeky purchase of my own… a packet of diced onion.

There was a moment’s hesitation before I tossed it in the basket, as I contemplated whether this meant I was getting unforgivably lazy. Then I remembered the two hard-boiled eggs I’d purchased a week earlier, and without such qualms.
So back to the scrambled egg which, says Iceland, is as a result of a survey which revealed that a third of people don’t know how to whip up the dish.

Twitter users rushed to express their outrage and indignation, calling the product ‘lazy’. And that may well be true (but it’s also a boon for those with disabilities who, for whatever reason, are unable to whisk their own eggs).

Yet the point everyone seems to be missing is that the launch of such so-called ‘lazy’ products – and that includes my recent buys – is a demonstration of the food industry’s commitment to offer consumers the best possible choice and innovative new creations. And who can argue with that? Surely not the consumers themselves.

If you’d rather scramble or boil eggs in the comfort of your own kitchen, feel free. But those who supply the products, along with shoppers who are prepared to pay for convenience, shouldn’t be derided for doing so.

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