Welcome back Anuga FoodTec

Anuga FoodTec returned successfully in Cologne as the morning got off to a cracking start with many launches nd initiatives to wow the crowds.
A strong conference programme focussing on hot industry topics such as sustainability, collaboration and digitisation drew visitors in great numbers from across Europe and the rest of the world.
Sandrine Dixon Decléve, co-president of Club Of Rome, kicked off Anuga FoodTec 2024 with her inspiring keynote speech, “Opportunities on the Road to Climate Neutrality“. Along with welcoming words from Gerald Böse, CEO of Koelnmesse GmbH, and Prof. Dr. Katharina Riehn, Vice President of the DLG e.V. – German Agricultural Society.
It’s been a really good day for the industry that it can offer visitors a trusted and well-attended event. Furthermore, exhibitors we spoke to reported high levels of enquiries and engagement.
On initial soundings, exhibitors were also delighted with many new international contacts.
Let’s hope both parties can embark on the new business year strengthened and optimistic.
- Rodney Jack, editor, Food & Drink Technology.
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