Caffeine link to heart attacks

Recent research suggests that heavy coffee drinkers carrying a particular gene may be more vulnerable to heart attacks. Coffee drinkers who have more than three cups a day may be subject to cardiovascular diseases.
Caffeine is metabolised by an enzyme in the liver. Variation in the gene for this enzyme can slow or quicken caffeine metabolism and, according to researchers from the University of Toronto, some individuals are slow caffeine metabolisers, while others are rapid caffeine metabolisers.
The team determined the genotype and assessed the intake of caffeine from 2,000 coffee drinkers from Costa Rica, who had heart problems.
Results indicated that 55% of patients and 54% of controls carried the slow variation and had a 36% increased risk of heart attack if they drank 2-3 cups of coffee a day. But this risk leapt to 64% if they consumed four or more coffees daily. In the carriers of the rapid genotype the risk was reduced.
Conversely, some doctors suggest that the stimulant can have health benefits with antioxidants warding off high blood pressure.

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