Scotland launches anti-obesity consultation

As part of Scotland’s new diet and obesity strategy, the promotion of unhealthy food and drink is to be restricted.
Aileen Campbell, public health minister, has launched a consultation on plans to help people lose weight, including:
• Measures to restrict the promotion and advertising of food and drink high in fat, sugar and salt
• Over £40 million new investment to deliver almost 100,000 supported weight management interventions for people with, or at risk of, Type 2 diabetes
• Supporting calls to ban broadcast advertising of foods high in fat, salt and sugar before the 9pm watershed.
Campbell says, “Obesity significantly increases the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, cancer cardiovascular disease and depression. Simply put, it’s harming the people of Scotland. It also puts pressure on the NHS, other public services and our economy.
“That is why we need commitment and action from everyone across all sectors and at all levels including government, citizens, the public sector and businesses right across the country.
“We are putting forward a package of bold measures designed to help people make healthier choices, empower personal change and show real leadership. Now we need people who live, work and consume food and drink in Scotland to tell us what they think.
“As with our ground-breaking strategies on alcohol and tobacco, this is the start of a progressive plan of action, learning from our experience in Scotland and further afield, that will make a real, lasting difference to the country’s health.”
The minister launched the consultation at Tynecastle stadium, where she met participants in the SPFL Trust’s Football Fans in Training (FFIT) weight management programme.
The consultation will run from 26 October to 31 January.