Campden BRI invests in analytical equipment

Campden BRI is strengthening its chemical contaminant analysis capabilities by investing in a new inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (ICP-MS). PerkinElmer’s NexION 350D ICP-MS will be used to quantify the levels of heavy metals and other elemental contaminants in food samples to support clients’ efforts to meet regulatory demands.

Julian South, head of chemistry and biochemistry at Campden BRI, says, “This new ICP-MS will complement our other analytical equipment, enabling us to process more samples, more quickly and to lower detection levels.

“Commonly, we test for the levels of metals such as lead in cereals, cadmium in cocoa beans, arsenic in rice and mercury in fish. There are many further elements that we test for and this new addition will greatly enhance our capabilities. A current concern is nickel, and we will be able to offer the highest sensitivity for this at a time when stringent limits are being considered by EFSA.

“The new instrument will also enable us to deal with challenging food types where, previously, problems have been encountered due to interferences between elements.”

The new mass spectrometer is the latest purchase as part of an ongoing investment at Campden BRI. In the last two years the company has installed almost £2 million in new processing and analytical equipment to ensure it remains a centre of excellence providing practically relevant services for the global food and drink industry.

Campden BRI is working closely with PerkinElmer to develop new testing methods for the food and drink industry.

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