Food Standards Agency
Research call on norovirus in foods
The UK Food Standards Agency is inviting tenders to carry out a systematic review on the survival of norovirus in foods and on food contact surfaces. Human enteric viruses are a major cause of infectious intestinal disease (IID) in the UK, and foodborne transmission is thought to be an important route of infection, says the […]
Mycotoxin survey results published
The Food Standards Agency (FSA) has published the results of a survey looking at levels of mycotoxins in food. The majority of the samples tested contained levels of mycotoxins below the legal limits, and only one sample had mycotoxin above the legal EU limit. Overall, the results of the survey are reassuring and do not […]
EFSA publishes EColi report
The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) this week published its report into the possible source of the recent EColi O104 outbreaks in Germany and France. It concludes that a batch of fenugreek seeds, originally supplied from a company in Egypt to a German company, is the most likely link between the two outbreaks. However, evidence […]
FSA allergy study results revealed
New research by the Food Standards Agency (FSA) reveals how people with nut allergies use food labels when choosing what food to buy and eat, and will be used to help produce clearer allergy information for consumers. The study – carried out by the University of Surrey – involved participants being accompanied during a routine […]
Business news, Food safety, Ingredients, Packaging, Regulatory
‘Gluten-free’ guide from FSA
The Food Standards Agency has launched a new factsheet to help caterers understand when to label food ‘gluten free’ when the rules change next year. The main change, after 1 January next year, will be that the term ‘gluten free’ can only be used on foods that contain less than 20 parts of gluten in […]
Chia seed: views sought
The Chia Company, based in Australia, has applied to the Food Standards Agency for approval to market chia seed in baked goods, breakfast cereals, and fruit, nut and seed mixes. The company currently has authorisation, under the novel food regulations, to market chia seed in bread products at a maximum level of 5%. Chia (also […]
FSA reveals results of nanotech research
The Food Standards Agency (FSA) has published a report of consumers’ views on the use of nanotechnology in food and food packaging. The focus group research, which asked participants about their views on nanotechnology in late 2010 and early 2011, was carried out as part of the FSA’s programme of work on nanotechnology. The main […]
Fish and shellfish safety research plan
The Food Standards Agency (FSA) in Scotland is commissioning five pieces of research that it says will help gather evidence to improve the hygiene standards of fish and shellfish consumed in Scotland. The areas of research are to include a review of the processes in place throughout the processing chain that are designed to control […]
Latest consumer attitudes revealed
The Food Standards Agency has released the latest results of its tracker survey. The survey monitors public opinion and awareness of the Food Standards Agency and key food issues. A representative sample of 2,105 adults in the UK was interviewed in the latest wave of the tracker (November 2010), by placing questions on the TNS […]
Business news, Food safety, Ingredients, Packaging, Regulatory, Sustainability
Contaminated liquid egg scare grows
Fourteen tons of contaminated liquid egg that originated on continental Europe has entered the UK, say health chiefs. The EU executive says the processed foodstuff – destined for use in goods like pastries and mayonnaise – has been exported to Britain but says the risk to human health is very low. Public health officials are […]
Food safety, Ingredients, Packaging, Regulatory, Sustainability
New target to tackle food bug
The Food Standards Agency, the UK poultry industry and major retailers have agreed a new target that will measure efforts to reduce levels of the food bug campylobacter in chickens. Almost two-thirds of raw chickens sold in the UK are contaminated with campylobacter, which is estimated to cause around 80 deaths every year. There are […]
Meat and milk from cloned animals ‘unlikely’ to be bigger safety risk than conventional food
Meat and milk from cloned animals is ‘unlikely’ to be a bigger safety risk than conventionally produced food, according to UK government advisers. But the experts have highlighted a serious gap in research on the effects of eating food from cloned animals, and warned that consumers will demand that it is clearly labelled. The Advisory […]
Have your say on plan to charge for official controls in meat plants
The Food Standards Agency has begun a consultation on proposals to charge the UK meat industry the full cost of official controls on meat. The consultation includes a commitment by the FSA to further reduce the cost of these ‘meat official controls’ in Great Britain from £55.5 million (€65m) to £50 million (€59m) over the […]
Six more food firms ditch ‘Southampton Six’
The Food Standards Agency (FSA) has updated its list of product ranges that do not contain the six food colours associated with possible hyperactivity in young children. Six manufacturers producing product lines free of the colours have been added to the list. They are Central Foods Ltd, Dorset Cereals Ltd, Kent Frozen Foods, Norvik Foods […]