Entries open for 2021 Olam Prize for Innovation in Food Security
Olam International, in partnership with Agropolis Fondation, is searching for ground-breaking scientific research that can deliver transformational impacts within global agriculture.
Rainforest Alliance announces enhanced certification programme and standard
The new programme consists of the Sustainable Agriculture Standard with requirements for farms and supply chains, along with a new assurance system and a suite of tools to measure progress towards sustainability objectives.
Time to bed in
The EU Commission’s unveiling of Farm to Fork Strategy received a mixed response despite the Commission saying it has presented a coherent set of policies to tackle the food, farming and environmental sectors.
The impact of coronavirus on UK food supply chain
GODAN, Global Open Data for Agriculture and Nutrition, has released comments from its executive director, Andre Laperriere, about the impact of coronavirus on the UK food supply chain.
National Beef Association calls for clearer traceability in labelling
The National Beef Association is demanding that UK beef production standards be recognised at the point of sale.
Happy Meat beef traceable to a single cow
Happy Meat has launched in the UK as Britain’s first climate-friendly beef that is premium grade and traceable to a single free range cow.