SÜDPACK takes stride forward with development of flexible films for thermoforming
The film is ideal for packaging fatty, protein-rich or sharp-edged products.
Volpak-Incremar partnership improves production capacity and reduces manufacturing times
Equipment used by Incremar is specifically designed for the packaging of soup sachets, but configurable to be able as well to handle different types of products.
Multivac modifies chamber belt machines to pack large batches
Two sealing bars integrated into a base plate help achieve a sealing height of 0 mm.
interpack 2023: sustainability the guiding theme for Sudpack and Ulma Packaging
Visitors will be able to watch the production of flow packs live on the FM 500 horizontal flow pack machine as well as the production of thermoformed packaging on the TFS 600.
Wild Goose launches new beverage canning system in Europe
Higher speed, 2-lane model of Evolution Series available in Europe alongside other systems.
Theegarten-Pactec develops sealing technology for sustainable chocolate packaging
Theegarten-Pactec has developed a “suction supported sealing” process for the packaging of sensitive chocolate products.
GIC completes first QPH and TOSS retrofit
GIC, the vertical form fill and seal machinery manufacturer, has undertaken its first retrofit of Ceetak’s Quick Pulse Heat (QPH) sealing technology and TOSS functionality.