The future’s bright

I’m currently on my way to learn more about the value of food manufacturing for British innovation.

This falls rather nicely for me as Santander and Make UK have recently reported that the food industry generates £30bn for the economy.

My source of learning and instruction for the day is Tim Foster, Professor of Food Structure at the University of Nottingham.

He is particularly enthused about the industry’s potential and will explain why now is is a lucrative time; how we ensure it stays that way by overcoming scientific barriers and the development of efficient systems.

Some of the areas of interest include developing novel processing routes; manufacturing healthy products tailored to the needs of consumers, such as customisation for nutritional requirements.

I believe his aim is to meet the challenges of global food security through developing world-class technologies, tools and leaders. This at a time when consumers want nutritious foods.

The University of Nottingham’s Department of Food Science is highly specialised, has expertise in biomaterial science, formulation engineering and sustainable manufacturing as well as  partnerships with key industry players.

I’ll report back on the day as I know I’ll hear and see recent research, which includes the production of lower energy density foods, sugar reduction and utilisation of food waste for human consumption.

One of the wonderful things about such visits is the sense of exploration into the unknown. Learning about future food sources, particularly protein, it seems, is becoming increasingly important, for both human and animal diets.

The food sector has a promising future.

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One response to “The future’s bright”

  1. Jorge says:

    Hello, it is very nice to write to you.

    Please contact Mr. Foster and tell him to teach cooking classes where a little more spices are used to cook.
    Your food is too bland and, by adding some other flavors, most likely the food industry will grow even more billions.
    Salt and pepper is not enough. There are many more delicious spices in other peoples foods.


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