The Food Incubator partners with Tecnosoft

The Food Incubator, thermal processing expert, has announced that it has secured the exclusive UK distribution rights for Tecnosoft’s high performance temperature data loggers, to enable its customers demonstrate compliance in relation to the need to provide clear evidence of regular temperature checks throughout any pasteurisation / sterilisation treatment.

Tecnosoft’s range of products are well-placed to provide a cost effective (representing considerably less than the Denmark-based market leader), yet highly reliable data logger solution which includes a free software suite if required. In addition to the price benefits, servicing of Tecnosoft’s data loggers is also competitively priced with a track record for speedy turnarounds, according to the company. A dedicated UK servicing hub will be up and running in the New Year, which will further enhance the appeal of the brand’s portfolio of temperature data logger products.

To celebrate this working partnership and at the same time support clients in their endeavours to kick off the New Year with a strong commitment to establishing the highest standard of process validation, The Food Incubator is rolling out a promotion to both new and existing customers which could represent a saving of up to £4,000.* The company is offering the following discounts on 4-pack and 10-pack devices:

  • 20% discount on S-Micro (Small and compact)
  • 15% discount on S-MicroW L (Extended temperature range)
  • 10% discount on S-Micro L  (Fully functional entry level range)

Customers taking advantage of the above promotion will be eligible for the same discount on their annual process validation check. A 15% discount on validation checks without any product purchase is also accessible.

To qualify for the various offers, all orders must be placed before the end of January 2022 with the works completed by 1 April 2022. 

The Food Incubator is also able to hire out temperature data loggers in sets of 10 (the rental cost is deductible from the price upon purchase) for a minimum hire of one week at a price of £1,250, with subsequent weeks at a reduced rate across all three products.  

Commenting on the promotion, managing director Tom Russell said, “Our focus is on working with our clients to help them achieve a best-in-class standard of thermal processing to support their business’ needs. The arrangement with Tecnosoft enables customers to access high calibre equipment which makes it possible to demonstrate accuracy and compliance, but without incurring unnecessarily high costs or servicing issues. And for those who are unfamiliar with the Tecnosoft range, the rental price represents an attractive proposition, providing the opportunity to ‘try’ before you ‘buy’!” 


*when combined with booking an annual process validation check

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