lunch! Innovation challenge Winners revealed

Six exhibitors struck gold at the lunch! trade show, winning coveted Innovation Challenge Awards.
Designed to promote and celebrate new ideas in the market place, a record 110 new products took part in the competition this year, many of whom were officially launched at the show.
Fifteen finalists were voted for by visitors and VIP buyers, who then took turns to impress the judges in a pitch showdown. The results also saw six companies receive silver awards and three take home the bronze.
This year’s judges included Paul Ettinger (Caffè Nero), Rosie Bambaji (Sainsbury’s Supermarkets), Shane Kavanagh (Crussh), Martin Hambleton (En Route International), Louise Direito (Krispy Kreme UK), Kristian Katin (Feed Wagons), Frank Boltman (TRADE), Martyn Clover (Tortilla), Shereen Ritchie (LEON), James Kidman (Crussh), Katie Lister (Chilango), Oliver Rosevear (Costa Coffee), and Scott Macdonald (Sourced Market).
Gold Winners
DRGN Turmeric Superdrink – DRGN Turmeric Superdrink Citrus
Berrington Spring Water – Aluminium Refill Bottle
Jack & Bry – Jackfruit Pepperoni
Flower & White – Flower & White Raspberry Meringue Bar
Magrini – Magrini B285 Blender with App Control
Lord Sandwich/FullWrap – Full Wrap
Silver Winners
Enviroware – Paper Cutlery from Enviroware
Cheesies – Cheesies Cheddar 20g
DELI LITES – Guilt Free, Plant Based Donner Kebab
Vita Mojo Operating Systems – Dynamic Menus
Good Root Bakery – Empotato
Bronze Winners
The Curators – The Curators Salt & Vinegar Pork Puffs
DELI LITES- Plant Based Coconut Mocchaccino Breakfast on the Go
FITCH Brew Co – FITCH Sparkling Cold Brew Tea – Rosehip, Hibiscus & Elderflower
This year’s judges included Paul Ettinger (Caffè Nero), Rosie Bambaji (Sainsbury’s Supermarkets), Shane Kavanagh (Crussh), Martin Hambleton (En Route International), Louise Direito (Krispy Kreme UK), Kristian Katin (Feed Wagons), Frank Boltman (TRADE), Martyn Clover (Tortilla), Shereen Ritchie (LEON), James Kidman (Crussh), Katie Lister (Chilango), Oliver Rosevear (Costa Coffee), and Scott Macdonald (Sourced Market).
- See our full show roundup in November’s issue