Marine-derived triglyceride oil may help with recovery and ageing

Epax 4020TGN can help improve muscle contractile function and post-injury muscle recovery, a pilot study has found.

The pre-clinical in vivo and in vitro research indicates that Epax’s highly concentrated, marine-derived triglyceride oil offers potential benefits for healthy aging and sports recovery.

Researchers at the University of South Florida carried out an eight-week dietary intervention on adult and aging rats (source: Russ DW, Sehested C, Banford K, Weisleder NL).

They were assigned either a control diet or one containing EPAX 4020TGN.

The results showed that inclusion of EPAX 4020TGN in the diet inhibited age-related loss of muscle strength. Additionally, the study demonstrated that EPAX 4020TGN significantly improved muscle strength following injury after a seven-day recovery period.

The investigators looked into the effects of Omega-3 on membrane damage using an in vitro analysis of muscle cells in culture. Cell membrane damage can occur after a fall, reducing mobility and exacerbating physical inactivity, even if there is no fracture. Damage can also occur as a result of compression injuries, or with regular training in athletes. The study showed that incubation of cells with EPAX 4020TGN improved cell membrane repair after damage.

The findings suggest that EPAX 4020TGN may aid recovery of muscle function that is impaired as a result of aging or injury. They also indicated that repair of cell membrane damage may be a common mechanism for muscle repair.

Part of Epax’s extensive range of Omega-3 ingredients, EPAX 4020TGN offers a 2:1 ratio of the EPA and DHA Omega-3 fatty acids. It is ideal for use in supplements.

Dr Derek Tobin,clinical research manager at Epax, said: “These findings describe a novel means by which EPA and DHA supplementation can support muscle cell repair after injury, and help reduce the muscle decline that occurs as a result of aging. Additionally, in a sports nutrition context, they demonstrate the potential benefits of Omega-3 for the improvement of muscle recovery after hard training.”

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