Food Standards Agency


ROUND-UP: Processing

Here is your weekly round-up of processing news. If you have a news item you would like to submit for next week’s round-up, please contact Carly Wood at mailto:[email protected]. FOODesign, a tna company, has launched the cryo-jet 5 ambient and chilled air cooling system. A modular pod system for conveying free flowing powders or granular […]

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Food survey results

The results of the Food Standards Agency’s (FSA’s) biannual Public Attitudes Tracker for November 2014 have been published. The top three food safety issues of total (ie spontaneous plus prompted) concern for respondents were food hygiene when eating out (39%), food poisoning (32%), the use of additives in food products (29%) and date labels (29%). The […]

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Technology reduces campylobacter by 90%

Rapid surface chilling (RSC), a new cryogenic technology developed by Bernard Matthews and BOC, could enable the poultry industry and the Food Standards Agency (FSA) in the UK to meet their 2015 joint campylobacter reduction target. Campylobacter bacterium is found on the surface of almost all raw chicken and is the most common cause of […]

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Eat, drink and be safe

Food & Drink Technology HQ is preparing to down tools for the festive period, but before we go, I wanted to leave you with a timely (Christmas) and topical (food safety) blog. This year, the Food Standards Agency (FSA) has launched National Defrost Your Turkey Day in the UK, urging people to defrost their turkeys […]


70% of chickens contaminated

The Food Standards Agency (FSA) has published the cumulative results from the first two quarters of its one-year survey of campylobacter on fresh chickens bought in the UK. Individual results by major retailer have also been published. The results to date show: 18% of chickens tested positive for campylobacter above the highest level of contamination […]


Survey on ‘may contain’ labelling

The Food Standards Agency has published a nationwide snapshot survey on a cross-section of pre-packed processed foods both with and without allergen advisory labelling. The survey aimed to provide an improved understanding of the type of allergen advisory labelling used on pre-packed processed foods in the UK and whether the labelling was related to the […]

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Food law enforcement info published

The Food Standards Agency has published official statistics on food law enforcement by local authorities across the UK for the year 2013/14. The information is compiled by the FSA from returns by local authorities and it gives the FSA a detailed breakdown of enforcement activity across the country. The figures show an increase in a […]


Support for a Scottish food standards body

The creation of a standalone food standards body in Scotland has been supported by MSPs on the Health and Sport Committee. The Food (Scotland) Bill proposes that the current Food Standards Agency in Scotland be replaced with Food Standards Scotland, which, in addition to regulating food safety, would also have a role in diet and […]


Boost food hygiene controls with Loma’s IP69K-rated inspection systems

Loma’s latest line-up of IQ3+ Metal Detection and X⁵ X-ray contaminant inspection systems and are designed to withstand high-pressure hot steam jet cleaning of up to 1,450psi. Constructed using top-quality 304L stainless steel makes the systems food safe and reduces the risk of corrosion. In creating these newly designed systems, Loma engineers have paid particular […]

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FSA welcomes Elliott horsemeat report

The UK’s National Farmers Union has issued a guarded response to the interim Elliott report into the horsemeat scandal that hit the British food industry early in 2013.   “It is right that action is being taken to ensure that meat labelled as British is British and has all the high standards associated with British […]

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Food scares are merely tip of the iceberg

Product recalls and other food safety incidents reported to and by the Food Standards Agency are merely the tip of the iceberg, according to research performed by Trace One. While the general public is only aware of food recalls that affect major retailers or have wide-reaching consequences (such as the 2013 horse meat crisis), the […]

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Food and Drink Technology