food standards


New food chain rules reminder

The Food Standards Agency is reminding slaughterhouse operators and livestock keepers that they will soon have to ensure that Food Chain Information (FCI) is provided for all cattle, sheep and goats sent for slaughter. The new requirement under European Union legislation comes into force from 1 January 2010, and will apply to all slaughter animals, […]

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Consumers want clearer GM labelling, says report

Consumers think that current labelling regulation for genetically modified (GM) foods is inadequate, according to a new report from the UK’s Food Standards Agency. The report used a combination of surveys, workshops and interviews to explore consumer attitudes to GM foods, as well as how those attitudes are formed. The general consensus was that consumers […]

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FSA seeks meat research contractors

The Food Standards Agency is seeking a contractor, or contractors, to carry out research into future meat controls in the UK. The deadline for applications is Monday, 4 January, 2010. The Agency has carried out a range of work to identify food safety hazards in connection with the production of meat and to establish effective […]

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FSA reveals open board meeting date

The next Food Standards Agency open board meeting is being held at its headquarters at Aviation House, 125 Kingsway, London WC2B 6NH. It will begin at 1pm on Tuesday, 10 November 2009 and will be chaired by agency chair Jeff Rooker. You can attend in person, watch it live online or listen-in via a free […]


Salt shocker

Over three quarters of people (77%) are not aware that bread and breakfast cereals are among the top salt-contributing foods in our diet, according to a new Food Standards Agency survey. The top three salt-contributing foods are bread, followed by meat products, then breakfast cereals. When asked to pick the top three from a list […]

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More companies say no to ‘Southampton six’

More food businesses have joined those that have already stopped using the six food colours associated with possible hyperactivity in children. Among those now producing product lines free of these colours are three manufacturers and a chain of restaurants. Debenhams restaurants are now ensuring that all food served on the premises will be free of […]


Organic food not healthier, says FSA

Eating organic food does not provide any significant nutritional or health benefits, according to a study published this week. An independent review commissioned by the Food Standards Agency found there were no important differences between organic and conventionally produced food. The conclusion was reached after a team of researchers at the London School of Hygiene […]


Meat processors welcome FSA U-turn

The British Meat Processors Association has welcomed a Food Standards Agency (FSA) decision to scrap plans for a four per cent hike in annual inspection charges in a bid to cut government subsidies to the industry. However, the FSA has said that a new system to calculate charges based on the length of time inspectors […]

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New UK salt reduction targets

The Food Standards Agency has unveiled revised salt reduction targets for the food industry, affecting 80 food categories. By 2012, the FSA is hoping to have reduced salt intake to 6g a day for adults (2.4g sodium), from around 9.5g in 2000/1. The current consumption estimate is at 8.6g, indicating that progress has been made […]

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New food fraud squad

A new food fraud division will support local authorities in taking swift action to stop illegal activity, as well as helping them uncover cases where consumers have been misled, says the UK’s Food Standards Agency. The Food Fraud Advisory Unit (FFAU) is a group of 16 officials with extensive skills and experience in carrying out […]

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Major brewery rides with the red tractor

Wells and Young’s has become the first major brewery to be certified with the Red Tractor logo. The Bedford-based company will now carry the Red Tractor logo on all its bottles of Young’s Bitter in a move to assure consumers that the ale is made using only British raw ingredients. Jonathan Tipples, vice chairman of […]

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Dietary guidance on nutrition

Dietary guidance should consider the cost and enjoyment of food in addition to nutrient content, according to Professor Adam Drewnowski, research leader of innovative approaches for the prevention and treatment of obesity. His lecture, organised by The Dairy Council, aimed to provide an insight into alternative nutrient profiling and food labelling methods, specifically the Naturally […]

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Food and Drink Technology