Measure absorption and turbidity

Krohne has introduced the Turbidity System (TS) product line, including four products for measuring absorption and turbidity in fluids in the food and beverage industry.
The TS line is ideal for applications such as monitoring water quality, detecting leakages, optimising cleaning processes and filter monitoring.
All products feature a 180° see through near infrared radiation (NIR) sensor to enable measuring absorption or turbidity in fluids in the near infrared range (880nm wavelength). The sensor is installed in and/or on tanks or pipelines, with the optical window of the sensor submerged in the process medium to measure the physical properties by absorbing irradiated light.
The line, which includes the TS 1050, TS 2050, TS 3050 and TS 4050, features a compact, hygienic design with integrated electronics and parameterisation display.