CPI joins UK recycling scheme

The Confederation of Paper Industries (CPI) is the latest organisation with an interest in materials recycling to join the UK-based On-Pack Recycling Label (OPRL) scheme.
CPI joins the Alliance for Beverage Cartons and the Environment UK (ACE UK), the Local Authority Recycling Advisory Committee (LARAC) and Recycling of Used Plastics Ltd (RECOUP) as guarantors of OPRL as the British Retail Consortium (BRC) now steps back from its longstanding involvement as an owner.
The shared ambition of all the organisations is to achieve greater and more effective recycling of packaging materials to establish a circular economy.
Simon Weston, director at the CPI, says, “We’ve been keen supporters of the OPRL scheme for some time, working closely with OPRL and WRAP to ensure the correct information is given on the recyclability of fibre-based packaging and advising on innovative materials.
“Coming in to the company as a joint guarantor is the natural development of that relationship as together we tackle some real challenges in recycling and food grade packaging, in particular. We know consumers are looking to the industry to solve some knotty technical issues.”
Jane Bevis, chair of OPRL, adds, “We’re delighted to welcome the CPI to our increasingly diverse guarantors. Building bridges with others committed to increasing the recycling of packaging is essential to break through the current ceiling on recycling rates.
“The technical capability that the CPI adds in understanding paper and card based packaging issues extends our evidence-based approach, giving consumers further assurance that our labels can be trusted.
“We’re also very grateful to the BRC for all their support over the last nine years. It was the vision of BRC members wishing to engage their customers, working with WRAP, that led to the development of our labelling scheme, and it was their commitment that built consumer recognition to the current high levels, now as high as 90% among young consumers.
“Retailers continue to be an important part of our membership – also becoming increasingly diverse – and we will remain close to the sector. We have now opened up specific membership categories for packaging manufacturers and designers as we extend our range of services beyond labels.”