Alcohol-free market grows despite binge drinkers

Despite continuous media reports of binge drinking in the UK, the alcohol free market is going from strength to strength.

According to Euromonitor International and backed up by Bavaria UK the reported off-trade growth is a staggering 20%.

Sarah Swainson, Bavaria UK marketing manager, says,“The immense growth in the NAB/LAB market is driven by an overriding demand from a variety of consumers including drivers, pregnant women and athletes and an unprecedented demand from dieters looking for a lower calorie alternative.

“Social restraints, health campaigns and tougher drink driving laws have played a significant role in boosting the appeal of alcohol free lager, and this growth looks set to continue. Bavaria is certainly flourishing as a result of such immense market growth rates. The company experienced a 51% off-trade growth in the last six months of 2007.

“An increase in the number of alcohol free lagers now available has definitely helped raise the standards of beer quality as a result of greater competition in this market. Customers recognise that there is a choice when it comes to alcohol free lagers and we are delighted that our sales figures confirm that Bavaria is leading the way on taste.

“Interest in the brand has really taken off and there is a great deal of potential for us to take Bavaria Alcohol Free into new markets. Alcohol free has never been more exciting, it’s no longer the cringe worthy alternative to soft drinks.
Bavaria Alcohol Free is uniquely brewed without alcohol which helps it to retain the rich taste of an alcoholic lager but with a 0.0 per cent alcoholic volume.

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