Concerns over health and safety merger
A proposal to merge the Health & Safety Commission and Health & Safety Executive must aim to improve the governance and scrutiny of legislation and regulators, the Forum of Private Business (FPB) has warned.
The merger has been proposed in order to create a single and more efficient regulatory body and should be through by spring. It is also designed to improve partnerships between local authorities and key stakeholders.
However, responding to the government’s consultation, the FPB has argued that there has been no explanation as to why the merger will enable smaller businesses to challenge the new body’s rulings more effectively, as has been claimed. The FPB believes that a change in the machinery of government is required.
“Both of these bodies have conveyed the impression over recent years that they have little understanding of the way businesses have to operate in order to compete effectively, said the FPB’s national chairman, Len Collinson.“We are happy that this amalgamation offers opportunities for decreasing red tape, however, we are concerned that regulators are not properly scrutinised.