Cold Chain Federation announces seminars on post-Brexit evolution of H&S and food safety regulations

In January 2021 two online seminars will examine how health and safety regulations and food safety regulations could change in the wake of the UK-EU Brexit deal, as well as examining how the Covid-19 pandemic has impacted the cold chain and how technological advances and other impacts could affect compliance in 2021 and beyond.
The two online events on 26 and 27 January 2021 are being convened by the Cold Chain Federation. For each event, a panel of specialists will give their expert insights and answer questions from the audience.
Cold Chain Federation policy director, Tom Southall,said: “As our industry gets to grips with how the UK’s new relationship with the EU will change the storage and distribution of chilled and frozen food and continues to deal with the impacts of Covid-19, it is vital to understand and anticipate changing requirements for compliance with health and safety and food safety regulations. The Cold Chain Federation is running these two online seminars to provide expert insight about key changes and to help cold chain businesses to prepare.”
On 26 January from 10.30am to 12pm, Health and Safety in the Cold Chain will consider the changing health and safety environment including increased demand for PPE from the Covid-19 pandemic, the future of high GWP refrigerants and the newly released ISO for temperature-controlled distribution. Cold Chain Federation policy director Tom Southall will be joined by:
- Dr Rob Lamb, Sales & Marketing director, Star Refrigeration
- Richard Pearce, Health and Safety consultant, Citation
- Tarek Hayat, managing director, Goldfreeze
- Erica Colson, BSI
- Kerry Broadhead, Health & Safety manager, The Ice Co Storage & Distribution & chair of the Federation Technical and Safety Expert Group
On 27 January from 10.30am to 12pm, Food Safety in the Cold Chain will consider food safety regulations in a post-Brexit UK including the evolution of temperature monitoring in the cold chain. The workshop will also provide the first look at the contents of the Cold Chain Federation’s new food safety guidance in advance of its publication in Spring 2021. Cold Chain Federation policy director Tom Southall will be joined by:
- The Food Standards Agency
- Jason Heywood, Food Safety director, Lineage Logistics
- Su Dakin, Food Safety consultant
- Richa Bedi-Navik, technical manager – Food, Storage & Distribution, BRCGS
- Representatives from the Cold Chain Federation’s Technical and Safety Expert Group
Both seminars are free to attend. To book a place, visit: To attend both seminars, you must register for each seminar separately.
For more on the Cold Chain Federation’s work and for a full list of members, visit: