No horsemeat found in latest testing

The latest round of industry and European Union (EU) testing found no horsemeat DNA in meat products at or above the 1% reporting threshold.
Since 2013, the FSA has been working with the European Commission and industry in an extensive programme of testing to detect horsemeat. These tests were carried out to check that beef products on sale or supplied into the UK food-chain were accurately labelled and did not contain horsemeat DNA, following the discovery of horsemeat in a range of products for sale across Europe.
The FSA’s fourth quarterly report of industry results from the testing of meat products for horsemeat or horse DNA includes 3,395 new results for beef products and 2,466 results for other (non-beef) meat products. These figures include all test results submitted since the compilation of the third report, published in January 2014.
The food industry has continued to test meat products for the presence of horsemeat/DNA since the previous quarterly update. A total of 50,876 results for horsemeat/DNA in meat products have been submitted by industry to the FSA since February 15 2013. Of these, 47 were positive samples. No new positive results have been reported since the first quarterly report in June 2013.