Round Up: Packaging
Man shopping in supermarket
Here is your weekly round-up of packaging news. Next week’s round-up will focus on processing news. To submit an item for inclusion, please contact Carly Wood at [email protected].
- The Confederation of Paper Industries (CPI) is the latest organisation with an interest in materials recycling to join the UK-based On-Pack Recycling Label (OPRL) scheme.
- Elopak has named Thomas Körmendi as the new chief executive office and president of the Elopak Group. He is set to join on 1 April 2018.
- Mintel has announced five trends set to impact the global packaging industry in 2018.
- Waste reduction charity WRAP has published new labelling guidance to give consumers more consistent storage and date label advice.
- The Food and Drink Federation (FDF) has published Industry Guidance on Setting Product Shelf Life.
- Crown Aerosols and Speciality Packaging Europe is entering the festive spirit for 2017.