NUTRA NEWS: New branded names for Frutarom’s extracts
Swiss Frutarom’s Olive Leaf Extract Benolea and Wild Green Oat Extract Neuravena have become available as branded products.
Benolea has been proven to maintain healthy blood pressure levels and is moving from food supplement products into a broader range of cardiovascular health applications. Containing additional health-promoting components such as poly-
phenols, the olive leaf extract mirrors the natural multicomponent system in the original plant. With its bioactivity-tested Neuravena, Frutarom offers manufacturers of food supplements and functional food products a patented and science-based health ingredient.
Containing phytonutrients considered to influence the activity of cerebral enzymes relating to mental health and cognitive function, Neuravena has been shown to influence brain activity and to support learning and stress coping abilities. Branded products have become closely associated with a broader positioning of the extracts,
including a new logo, a new appearance and the possibility for manufacturers of co-branding.