Biocatalyst enzyme for superior tasting whey protein

Whey protein powderBiocatalysts specialises in a wide variety of enzymes for the food industry. Included in this is its Promod range which is used for the modification and hydrolysis of food proteins. Promod 782MDP is the newest addition to this family of Biocatalysts enzymes and is used to decrease bitterness and produce superior tasting whey protein hydrolysates.

A whey protein hydrolysate that is bland and non-bitter is ideal for adding to beverages and powdered mixes without detrimentally affecting the flavour of the end product. A bland flavour allows it to be added at higher concentrations in the end application without the need for the addition of bitter masking agents. Promod 782MDP will achieve this desired bland taste, allowing the manufacturer to lower costs and reduce production time spent adding masking agents to improve the flavour of the end product.

Promod 782MDP can be used alone or in conjunction with other flavour enhancing enzymes, such as Flavorpro 750MDP, to achieve a superior tasting whey protein hydrolysate that seeks to differentiate products from others already on the market.

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