Positive outlook for Hi-maize

National Starch Food Innovation says it is delighted at at EFSA’s positive opinion on the benefits of type-2 resistant starch from high amylose maize (Hi-maize) in relation to health blood sugar levels. However, the company goes on to say that it is disappointed that a second claim for digestive health benefits was not accepted because the EFSA panel considered the wording of the claimed effect to be not sufficiently precise.
“We are delighted with the positive outcome of the EFSA opinion. It reinforces our commitment to generating meaningful scientific data that support claims for the natural resistant starch from high amylose maize found in Hi-maize,” says Julie Scott, regulatory manager, EMEA, National Starch Food Innovation. “It’s a significant achievement given the high volume of claims that have been rejected by EFSA.”
She goes on to say: “We are disappointed that the claim for digestive health was not accepted based on the claim wording. At the time of submission, there was a lack of clarity surrounding EFSA expectations for Article 13.1 claims. We are confident in the strength of our clinical data, and we will build on the knowledge we have learned through the process to work through the appropriate channels to revisit the wording.”

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