Roundup: Packaging

Melodea packaging
Here is your roundup for the latest packaging news. Next week’s roundup will focus on processing.
To submit an item for inclusion, please contact Rodney Jack at [email protected] or Alex Rivers at [email protected].
- Three Sidel and Serac Combis for edible oil have been installed in the bottling facility of Lesieur in the North of France.
- Belgian start-up Tiptoh has partnered with SIG and Olympia Dairy to bring a new range of pea protein beverages to the Belgian market, packaged in SIG’s square base combiblocMidi 1,000 ml carton packs.
- Green-tech start-up Melodea Ltd has developed MelOx, a high-performance, plant-sourced barrier coating that protects packaged products from oxygen and oil and grease transmission.
- US-serving Cremer has broadened its offerings of multi-counter machine systems for food & beverage product assortments and variety packs.
- Tetra Pak has launched a new ‘universal’ connected experience accessed via its smart packaging, available to all brands.