

World Vegan Month

November is World Vegan Month. At Food & Drink Technology, we have been following the increasing interest in – and availability of – vegan options, and recent research confirms consumer demand.


Wasting away

Following last week’s look at the food waste generated from pumpkins during Halloween festivities, this week I have been diving deeper into the wider problem of fruit and veg waste.

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Food waste horror story

Happy Halloween! Now the third biggest holiday celebrated in the UK, preceded only by Christmas and Easter, more than 10 million pumpkins are expected to be bought and carved this year.


Exporting success

As the UK prepares to leave the EU, we are being reminded that exports represent a huge opportunity to the UK food and drink sector.

Gluten-free bread in demand

We have just celebrated National Free From Week (26 September-2 October) in the UK and although the likes of dairy-, sugar- and gluten-free choices are expanding, recent research reveals there is still a gap in the market for gluten-free alternatives to some of the nation’s favourite products.

Labels get the green light

We recently reported that Action on Sugar had criticised cereal brands for failing to include Department of Health endorsed, colour coded traffic light, front of pack (FOP) nutrition labelling, despite some products containing levels of sugar that would equate to a red label.

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Cause for celebration

Last week’s Food and Drink Federation Awards ceremony was once again a welcome reminder of the excellent work being carried out in this industry, in areas such as exports, environmental leadership, education, health and innovation.



I was in Munich, Germany, last week for the Drinktec trade fair. While there, I met several people who were taking the opportunity to extend their stay to celebrate this year’s Oktoberfest.

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Bridging the gap

We often report on the looming skills shortage threatening the UK food and drink industry, with the well documented gap for key STEM roles of great concern.

On the road

After a relatively quiet summer, industry is gearing up for its next round of trade shows, and the Food & Drink Technology team are packing their bags ready for the adventure.


Food and Drink Technology