Over half of consumers admit confusion over snack serving sizes

New research from gluten-free snacks manufacturer Wellaby’s has revealed that more than half of UK consumers are oblivious to what constitutes a single serving of crisps and snacks. Almost one third believe that they are being misled into buying larger bags of crisps and snacks such as ‘grab bags’ without realising what the recommended serving sizes are for a single portion.
36% of consumers said that they find the labelling on serving sizes for crisps and snacks to be unclear and would favour packaging which clearly states if an item contains more than a single serving.
However, nearly a quarter admitted that they do not check the labelling or serving sizes when purchasing crisps and snacks. This raises questions from a retail and manufacturing perspective as to whether consumers need to take more responsibility for the food choices they make, or whether the onus is on the industry to make serving sizes more transparent or obvious.
Sue Warren, strategic development director at Wellaby’s comments, “We believe that retailers and manufacturers do have a duty of care to provide the right information to consumers and to ensure labelling is transparent and not misleading.
“Having said that, when it comes to making the purchase, the industry can’t take responsibility for the decisions and choices people make. Balanced snacking should be about making healthy choices where possible and having a treat from time to time, but in moderation.”