Solactis Group achieves new European health claim

Solactis Group, specialist of bio-science based ingredients designed for human nutrition and animal feed companies, has welcomed a new approval from the European authorities: “Consumption of foods/drinks containing Galactofructose instead of sugars induces a lower blood glucose rise after their consumption compared to sugar-containing foods/ drinks.”
This confirms the strategic orientations on the new health benefits of Non Digestible Carbohydrates (NDC). Indeed, the European Commission has validated at the end of May the scientific opinions of EFSA (2014;12(1):3513 – 2014;12(10):3838 – 2014;12(10):3839), which are generic to NDC, considering their role in blood glucose management.
Solactis Galactofructose is neither digested, nor absorbed in the small intestine. It does not participate in the glycaemic response and does not provide 4 kcal/g. Like fibres, it passes intact in the colon where it is fermented by the colonic microbiota. Consequently, it meets the EFSA description of NDC.
Moreover, Solactis Galactofructose has a higher sweet taste compared to other NDC (i.e. 70% vs. 40% Galacto-Oligo-Saccharides). Also, Solactis Galactofructose reaches the colon intact where it is fermented into Short Chain Fatty Acids (SCFAs) by friendly bacteria.
“Behind the simple action of replacing digestible carbohydrates by NDC, Solactis Galactofructose sparks the interest of food product developers. Indeed, it potentially offers new innovative mechanisms compared to “standard” fiber or other NDC’s, especially through a promising role of the gut microbiota, and could trigger a modulation of glucose absorption,” says Ms Marion Lenoir (PhD), Groupe Solactis R&D manager.
Downstream, with the benefits for end-users, the blood glucose response regulation is involved into two main benefits:
- Slow Release Energy management: glucose is the first resource of energy and a low level of blood glucose is generally observed 2 hours after food intake, resulting in a lack of energy. Replacing sugars by NDC, and especially GalactoFructose, will modulate the blood glucose peak supporting a smooth sugar release and avoiding the critical lack of energy.
- Fat storage for a better weight control: managing blood glucose response after food intake is associated to a balanced insulin release. Insulin is a key hormone involved in glucose metabolism: higher levels of insulin will trigger the glucose transformation into fatty acids and fat storage. Therefore managing blood glucose response is an option to help food manufacturer to propose product that aid customers to reduce the glucose transformation and could be considered as innovative solution for weight control.
“Combining its good technical behaviour and these new features of Solactis Galactofructose is increasing the interest of food products manufacturers with a hot positioning offering solutions for the over-weight, and also on energy management markets. Approaching the consumers with the willingness to keep their blood sugar under control is very attractive and proposes possibilities for differentiation,” adds Moez Kmicha, Groupe Solactis business development manager. “As an outperforming NDC, Solactis Galactofructose proposes a new health claim that will perfectly fit with applications such as high proteins yogurts, cereals bars, healthy snacking, functional & energy waters.”