Chilled foods: a helping hand with shelf life evaluation

With the total UK chilled food sector worth over £8.7 billion (€10bn) and growing, it’s more important than ever that manufacturers accurately determine shelf life to both guarantee food safety and minimise waste.
Setting shelf-life limits can be a complex process and getting it wrong can have very serious public health, economic and legal consequences. In order to help avoid the consequences of getting it wrong, Campden BRI has developed a one-day training course on 14 June covering the microbiological, chemical and sensory considerations of assigning an appropriate shelf-life and the specifications required when determining end of life.
Aimed at product developers, technical managers, food manufacturers, retailers and those involved in environmental health, the training day will enable delegates to better understand the key factors that influence the shelf life of chilled food products and help them to set accurate and realistic shelf-lives for new and modified products that their companies are developing.

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